Anne-Elisabeth Lemoine (C to you) cash about one of her columnists!

As TPMP, C to you returns this Monday, August 29 to France 5. A return eagerly awaited by viewers as well as members of the team, including the one who is at the helm of the daily: Anne-Elisabeth Lemoine. Will fans of the program be entitled to a new version? Will new columnists make their arrival? The facilitator gave some answers in an interview granted to 20 minutes this Sunday, August 28.

“The first part does not move. In part 2, in novelty, there is the humorous tablet ‘I was at that’. The sequence L’œil de Pierre ‘will now conclude a notepad carried by all the columnists. These are marginal adjustments, you shouldn’t say ‘Come on, we’re changing everything!'”she revealed at first before continuing by evoking the possible arrival of a great personality during the year: “We were talking about Prince Charles before you arrived. We thought we were going to write to him. Prince Charles would have a lot to say. shouldn’t.”

Annoying by its perfection

For those who are wondering whether or not Bertrand Chameroy will be present one more year in It’s up to you, The answer is yes. However, Anne-Elisabeth Lemoine did not hide her annoyance about him.I can’t take him anymore. All summer ! ‘And Bertrand, what do we love him, how handsome is he’. It’s annoying”swung the host with, of course, a lot of irony, before continuing: “But it’s all true. Yes, he’s handsome and we love him, but that, I said to him: ‘you irritate me, you irritate me'”.

Following her statement, the one who was on the verge of tears a few days ago, faced with a video of an Afghan girl, praised her whooping cough by presenting all her qualities: “He has everything but a big head and on top of that, he is very well brought up. He’s nice, he’s consideratehe opens the door and everything… He is perfect, he is the ideal son-in-law”. Words that undoubtedly pleased the principal concerned.

See also: Anne-Elisabeth Lemoine: her ex Mustafa El Atrassi “messed up from the inside”, he makes a very sad announcement


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