Anne-Elisabeth (C to you), embarrassed by an unexpected remark by Elie Semoun on women

Elie Semoun is a heart to take. Newly single, the comedian confided a few days ago on the airwaves of RTL : “Now, yeah, I’m going to be a flirt. For a week now, I have been since I am single. It’s over, I’m no longer with my little girl from Liège. “ A break that the 57-year-old man did not wish to comment on further … And the latter did not change his mind on Monday, December 6, when he was invited in the second part of C to you.

If Elie Semoun therefore made no comment on his private life, the latter still reacted to Mohammed Bouhafsi’s column on the work of Gustave Flaubert and in particular on his cult novel. Madame Bovary which is about to be adapted to the 2.0 era by France Television… While Anne-Elisabeth Lemoine thanked the columnist, the latter slipped a little question which obviously inspired her guest a lot.

” Thank you so much “, launched Anne-Elisabeth Lemoine, addressing Mohammed Bouhafsi. And to add: “I think there are still Emma Bovaries in 2022, right? “ With a smile on his face, Elie Semoun then replied: “Women who cheat on their husbands? No, it does not exist! “ A sarcasm that had the gift of kissing the presenter of the show who did not know where to go. “Ah yes sorry, of course not, I don’t know what I was thinking”, she replied before coughing uncontrollably and then inviting Bertrand Chameroy to take control: “Ben don’t look at me like that, go on! “

Lisa Ziane

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