Anne Caillon leaves Tomorrow belongs to us: saddened, a star of the series pays her a beautiful tribute

It’s a page that turns for Anne Caillon. The actress announced her departure from tomorrow belongs to usfor which she interpreted the role of Flore Vallorta since 2017, either since the launch of the fiction on TF1. A departure that is done gently and without any bitterness as she confided in an interview for Entertainment TV recently. Anne Caillon is even delighted to be able to devote herself to new projects. Still, the farewells were heartbreaking on the set of the daily series, especially with certain co-stars she had been seeing for several years. Among them were, in particular, Hector Langevinwith whom she has established a solid relationship.

Very saddened at the idea that he will no longer give the reply to his adoptive mother on the screen, the one who lends his features to the character of bart sent him a tender tribute on Instagram. In the caption of several photos retracing their adventure together, he salutes his talent while recognizing his many human qualities. “It only took me one second on May 31, 2017 to know that Bart had a tough ally in his path, but it also took me that same second to know that you were going to be the best playmate i could have. In 4 years, every second by your side has been nothing but moments of happiness. Every second of interpretation of your role of Flore were only accuracy and lessons. I admire you so much Anne. You have been a confidante and a friend for me, you were able to push me when I needed it and support me without ever issuing any judgment. In a second we understood each other, in a second we were laughing or crying“, we read.

Souvenirs “crystallized“in his heart and memory and which he intends to cherish.”I know we will never forget each other“, he assures. And to conclude with love: “Bart lost his mom, Hector gained a friend.” Touched, Anne Caillon shared this post on her own Instagram account.

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