Anna, Ukrainian living in Paris, returns to her country on a mission with franceinfo

Sanctions continue to fall in an attempt to pressure Russia into stopping its invasion of Ukraine. Exclusion from the Swift international payment network, freezing of the European assets of Vladimir Putin and Sergey Lavrov, new economic sanctions, all of this is being studied by the international community.

Vladimir Putin said Friday he was ready to send a delegation to Minsk to negotiate with Ukraine, while Moscow had so far always refused talks with Ukraine. That same day, the fighting reached Kiev, the capital, and to counter the Russian invasion, the Ukrainian President, Volodymyr Zelensky, decreed the general mobilization and the recall of the reservists within 90 days in all the regions.

More than 100,000 displaced people have already been counted, 24 hours after the start of the offensive. The lines of cars lengthen to reach the Polish border in western Ukraine. This is where a franceinfo team went to enter Ukraine, whose airspace is closed. The journalist Nicolas Teillard, accompanied by his Ukrainian translator who returns for this mission but has been living in Paris for several years, tells us about the first hours of their trip, the purpose of which is a special edition on franceinfo, three hours live from Lviv, at the western Ukraine, from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. on Friday, February 25.

In the context of the war in Ukraine, it is difficult for Emmanuel Macron to bring the cover back to him by formalizing his presidential candidacy. But the outgoing president will not be able to wait much longer, since the deadline to declare himself is fast approaching. On Friday March 4 at 6 p.m., the final list of contenders for the Elysée will be known, and we will enter a new stage in the campaign.

At the “Quart d’Heure”, for this last straight line, we will focus on the view of young people on this election and on politics in general with the testimonies of 18/30 year olds met by Manon Mella, journalist at franceinfo, who offers each “Generation 2022” day. In this episode, she introduces us to Sophia, 28, a candidate for the legislative elections in Marseille and very committed, but who decided to vote white in the first round of the presidential election as a “punishment” for the current political class, which she does not not esteem at all.

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