Animal welfare, a Quebec value to acquire

It is with great interest and with a heavy heart that I read the reports of the To have to on the living conditions of our farm animals. In Quebec, space is vast, our territory is sparsely populated. Confining our farm animals to cages or confined spaces, and keeping most of them constantly inside buildings, is a real scandal that should arouse the indignation of the population and those who govern us. . Few consumers are willing to pay more for certified organic meats, eggs or dairy products. The bottle of wine, drugs, the latest technological “trinkets”, restaurants, trips, big cars, etc., all these things so “essential” to our well-being come before the expenses that would make our farm animals have a better quality of life. It is high time that the helm was given from above, by the senior public service in Quebec and Canada. Rather than giving McKinsey millions of dollars to find out what it thinks and how to proceed, let’s hurry to support our breeders by giving them those millions they need to modernize their facilities as soon as possible. We often hear about “Quebec values”. The time has come for animal welfare to be a priority and a source of pride for our nation, and not just that of pitou or kitty, but that of all these animals to whom we owe our survival, our well-being. daily.

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