Animal welfare: 130 cats and dogs discovered in an apartment in Nice


Video length: 1 min.


Article written by

France 3 – France 3 Côte-D’Azur, V. Munch, F. Tisseaux, L. Buyse

France Televisions

A hundred cats and puppies crammed into a 70m2 apartment in Nice were discovered by police on Wednesday July 12.

More than a hundred cats and puppies were discovered in deplorable condition in an apartment in Nice (Alpes-Maritimes), Wednesday July 12. “We have just found bags in a room, piled up in a shower, inside which you have a lot of dead cats. There’s one on the table, totally decomposed, and you’ve got bags full of dead people.”reports Alain Guezzi, brigadier chief of national police and volunteer of associations for the defense of animals.

The couple arrested for serious abuse and acts of cruelty

The associations try to save those who can still be saved. Some have the pasta cut. All are dehydrated, malnourished and emaciated. “I think the dogs were for resale. Cats are poor cats found in the street or collected from private individuals. Hell is paved with good intentions, because this lady thinks she loves animals”, says Anne-Marie David, director of the ARPA association. A couple lived here, among the animals. He was arrested for serious abuse and acts of cruelty. The police also suspect illegal trafficking. The puppies could sell for between 500 and 700 euros.

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