Animal protection associations repatriate abandoned dogs in Ukraine


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Since Russia invaded Ukraine, nearly 700,000 pets have been left behind. Cats and dogs for which many animal protection associations are mobilizing to find them a new family. #TheyHaveTheSolution

Humans are not the only victims of the war in Ukraine. Many Ukrainian families have been forced to abandon their dogs or cats in order to flee the country. Four-legged refugees for whom many animal protection associations in France are mobilizing, such as the Franco-Romanian association Remember me. From his private refuge in Pascanie, in the North-East of Romania, several dozen dogs and cats have come to France to be adopted in France in different regions, in particular in Roubion in the Vaucluse.

We recovered about fifty dogs in different situations. There are dogs abandoned by owners on the spot who had fled the war and who had not been able to take them with them. We also recovered dogs that were in shelters that were bombed,” says Vanessa Manand, head of the Remember me association.

Among the animals that the volunteers went to look for in Romania, Mars, recovered by a shelter in kyiv. He was abandoned by his master who had to go to Poland. His gaze reflects the trauma he has just experienced: very tired after 30 hours of travel, the animal is a little stressed. His new family from Marseille is waiting for him impatiently. “I’m thrilled to welcome Mars into our home, I can’t wait to show him his new home.” explains Brigitte Martinaud, adopter.

Like Mars, other Ukrainian dogs must arrive on French soil. The association is looking for several adoptive families on its website.

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