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Pets are collateral victims of the health crisis. Indeed, the SPAs are overwhelmed by the abandonment of animals. Example in a refuge in Menois, in Aube.
The task is enormous at the moment for the employees and volunteers of the Menois refuge (Aube). The number of abandoned animals increased by 7% last year. The situation is particularly critical for some dogs. “We will find ourselves faced with dogs that are usually very calm and, who, being confronted with individuals again and again, (…) will be overexcited all the time“, explains Emilie Thibault, employee at the Refuge SPA de Menois.
Some animals were collected after requisition by the police, but most were abandoned during the health crisis. “It’s a fad. An animal is like a pair of sneakers now, when you want more, you throw it away. (…) The confinement meant that there were a lot of animals taken to be able to go out“, deplores Fabrice Roussel, head of the shelter. The number of adoptions also fell by 10% last year, a drop in particular due to restrictions on visits. during the Covid-19 epidemic.