angry sole fishermen


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The European Council has decided to reduce the quotas for flatfish. In Noirmoutier (Vendée), fishermen deplore this new provision which concerns sole, the species of fish which brings them the most profit.

In most Atlantic ports, sole is the main source of income for fishermen. Following the reduction in quotas, many vessels find themselves helpless, faced with this decision which will have major consequences on their income: “I have spoken with some whose main occupation is sole fishing and represents 95% of their turnover. One person even wonders if they will be able to keep all their guys on board”, testifies a fisherman, present in the port of Sables d’Olonne (Vendée).

The reduction in quotas is 36% and represents 1,200 tonnes of fish caught less. This is a real blow to the fishermen, who have already seen their activity exhausted by the consequences of Brexit, as well as by the fishing license. “It is anxiety which is added to the anxiety (…) one wonders if the European Commission has not decided to slash French artisanal fishing”, deplores José Jouneau, the president of the Pays-de-Loire fisheries committee. Customers are worried about the situation of fishermen, but also about their purchasing power, which will be affected by the rise in prices per kilo of sole.


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