Anglade targets five CAQ constituencies

(Montreal) To prove that her campaign strategy is not defensive, Liberal leader Dominique Anglade revealed on Monday that she is targeting five ridings in particular that she intends to win from the Coalition avenir Québec (CAQ).

Posted at 9:07

Tommy Chouinard

Tommy Chouinard
The Press

In an interview on Radio-Canada radio, she maintained that she has “ambition” and that she is not content to campaign to protect her strongholds.

“I intend to conquer the county of Sainte-Rose” in Laval and that of Gatineau in the Outaouais, as well as the ridings of Châteauguay, Huntingdon and Soulanges in Montérégie, she said. . These are all ridings that the Liberals lost to the CAQ in 2018.

This is the first time that the Liberal leader has drawn up a short list of CAQ ridings that she particularly covets. She was content so far to say that she “plays on the offensive”.

“We are not in a mode where we say to ourselves that we are going to campaign on the defensive, on the contrary, she said in an interview. We want to conquer different sectors. You should never take anything for granted. The election is an opportunity to regain the confidence of voters. »

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