Anglade summons liberal veterans for advice

(Laval) After two weeks of campaigning and with the approach of the first leaders’ debate, Dominique Anglade summoned Liberal veterans to give him advice on Sunday.

Posted at 5:00 a.m.

Tommy Chouinard

Tommy Chouinard
The Press

Christine St-Pierre and Pierre Arcand went at the end of the afternoon to the hotel where the Liberal caravan is staying in Montreal. The two outgoing deputies, who are not standing for re-election, simply told The Press that they were called by the leader to give an update on her campaign.

It is not unusual for a leader to seek advice from experienced politicians during a campaign. What should be emphasized in the case of Mme Anglade is that no veteran has surrounded him since the election was called on August 28.

Only Marc Tanguay, who is still seeking votes in LaFontaine, then Marc H. Plante, MP for Maskinongé from 2014 to 2018, accompanied the Liberal leader for a few days.

By way of comparison, former minister and deputy Jean-Marc Fournier, who has already served as interim leader of the party like Pierre Arcand, was alongside Philippe Couillard throughout the 2018 campaign.

Like all the other leaders, Dominique Anglade is preparing for Thursday’s leaders’ debate. Activists and former Liberal MPs who have crossed paths over the past few days acknowledged that the start of the Liberal campaign was difficult, but added that the game is far from over. And we base a lot of hope on the first debate, a time when voters are more attentive.

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