Anglade seeks Ethics Commissioner’s opinion on Dubé’s press officer

Liberal leader Dominique Anglade wants the Ethics Commissioner to shed light on the guidelines that should prevent an appearance of conflict of interest between the cabinet of Health Minister Christian Dubé and the interim national director of public health, Luc Boileau.

Mme Anglade reacted to an intervention by Mr. Dubé’s press secretary this week during a press briefing by Mr. Boileau at the National Assembly.

Marjaurie Côté-Boileau, who is also the daughter of Mr. Boileau, tried to interrupt this exchange with the media, despite a directive which was to prevent this type of situation.

Thursday, Anglade felt that this intervention undermines the appearance of independence of public health from politics in addition to contradicting this directive.

“There is always the appearance of a conflict of interest in this case,” she declared during a press conference at the National Assembly.

Mme Anglade demanded the publication of a written opinion from the Ethics Commissioner of the National Assembly Ariane Mignolet on the subject of the family relationship between Mme Côté-Boileau and Mr. Boileau.

“A written, clear opinion on how it should be managed would clarify a lot of things and then we would avoid this kind of situation for the good of Quebecers, to ensure that there is really a clear message that is sent. “, she said.

Last week, the cabinet indicated that Mignolet issued a verbal notice to Côté-Boileau about his situation. So far, the content of this notice has remained confidential.

However, Mr. Dubé’s office had specified that as a precautionary measure, Côté-Boileau would not intervene in “exchanges concerning the media relations of Doctor Boileau”.

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