Anglade calls for strategic voting

Neutral in voting intentions, Dominique Anglade calls on disappointed CAQ voters to rally behind the PLQ.

• Read also: [SONDAGE] The PQ comes out of the shadows: the struggles will be tighter than expected

While 38% of Quebecers plan to vote for François Legault’s team on October 3, according to a new Léger-Le Journal-TVA-QUB ​​poll, the Liberal leader prefers to see in the results a huge potential of voters opposed to the CAQ.

“I look at the poll and what strikes me is that you have more than 62% of Quebecers who do not want François Legault as prime minister. 62%, it’s huge!”, launched Dominique Anglade on the airwaves of WKND 99.5, Tuesday morning.

“The reason it’s like that, well, is because we’re all divided. What I would like to see is that we are able to come together and block François Legault, ”she added.

If the trend continues, the CAQ will find itself “with a huge number of seats and that’s not what the majority of Quebecers want,” said England.

Host Mélanie Maynard then asked if Quebeckers should rally around the Liberal Party of Quebec.

“Why not?” replied Dominique Angalde.

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Hours later, the Liberal leader dismissed the idea that her call to block Francois Legault represents a call for strategic voting. “I am not calling for a strategic vote, I am calling for a rally, a rallying of forces,” she commented in a press scrum.

New for the PLQ, Mme Anglade says she is now open to reviewing the voting system. Philippe Couillard’s Liberal Party had nevertheless refused to commit to modifying the voting system to include a proportional vote share. The CAQ had promised to carry out this reform, but abandoned the idea once in power.

“It’s one of the things that should be looked at,” said Dominique Anglade, without making a formal commitment.

Bad poll for the PLQ

The Léger poll published on Tuesday shows that the PLQ is having a difficult campaign.

With 16% support, the team has fallen two points since last week. If the difference is statistically insignificant, the party is not making any progress either, two weeks before the elections.

But above all, Quebecers have a very negative perception of the campaign of Mme England.

When voters are asked who would make the best opposition to the CAQ, the Liberal leader comes last, with 14%.

Mme Anglade also comes last, at 6%, when Quebecers are asked which leader had the best campaign last week.

Same observation for the winner of the first leaders’ debate: Dominique Anglade brings up the rear, at only 3%.

Too early, considers Nadeau-Dubois

Unlike Dominique Anglade, Gabriel Nadeau-Dubois considers that it is still far too early to call for a strategic vote. “Mme Anglade closes the books a little quickly on the electoral campaign, ”notes the supportive spokesperson.

“I find that Anglade goes quickly in business a little bit. There is still a debate on Thursday, there are two weeks of campaigning left. Many things are still possible. We will continue to campaign and then talk about our social project, ”commented Mr. Nadeau-Dubois, reacting in turn to the results of the survey on Tuesday.

“Calls for strategic voting, we will look at that the day before the election,” he said. Now is the time to talk about our project for Quebecers. Then we, our project for Quebec is to make it one of the greenest places in the world. Mme Anglade talks to us about voting against François Legault, I especially want to talk about Québec solidaire. »

“I invite people to vote Québec solidaire in the 125 ridings and that’s good, we have 125 candidates, the rest of us,” added the co-spokesperson for solidarity.

Stay humble

According to the most recent Léger poll published this morning in the Journal, the Parti Québécois obtains 13% of voting intentions in Quebec. Paul St-Pierre-Plamondon intends to remain “humble” and reiterates his wish to see the separatists return to the fold.

“We will not change our campaign that we have fun leading,” he said, again inviting the separatists to come home. “The door of the separatists is wide open.”

Sunday, Paul St-Pierre Plamondon affirmed that the party was in growth, that he felt it in the figures and the donations. Official figures seem to confirm the trend.

“We are running the campaign we wanted to run, an authentic campaign on the subjects that are essential for the future,” he simply mentioned in response to the survey.

“We stay humble.”

Two weeks before the election, 21% of voters believe that the PQ leader would make the best leader of the official opposition. Up sharply, it now ranks second in this category, behind Gabriel Nadeau-Dubois of Québec solidaire who is at 28%.

– With the collaboration of Marc-André Gagnon and Nicolas Lachance, Parliamentary Office

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