Anglade accuses the CAQ of having harmed women with a “recoil” on daycare places

Liberal leader Dominique Anglade accused the CAQ government of having pushed back the situation of women by not meeting the demand for childcare places.

Mme Anglade presented its plan on this subject on Friday, which provides for the creation of 52,000 places to eliminate the current waiting list.

Passing through the Outaouais, the Liberal leader accused the Minister of Families, Mathieu Lacombe, elected in the region, of having harmed the situation of women who wanted to have access to the labor market. ” [C’est] a complete setback on the issue of childcare services, but more than that, a setback for women, she said at a press conference. There were many women who wanted to return to the labor market and were unable to do so. »

According to the Liberals, the number of places that were closed was greater than those that were created during the mandate of the Coalition avenir Québec (CAQ).

The PLQ has made a commitment to create 15,000 additional places in daycare services at $8.70 for all children within five years. The training considers that this addition to the 37,000 places announced by the CAQ is necessary to achieve the objective of offering a place at a reduced rate to the 52,000 children waiting.

A Liberal government would make universal access to a daycare place at $8.70 a day a right for all Quebecers, just like the right to attend an educational establishment. This objective will be achieved in five years, promised the liberal leader Dominique Anglade.

Just before the start of the election campaign, the CAQ announced the conversion of places in private childcare services into subsidized places at $8.70. Mme Anglade estimated that this measure, which the Liberals are also proposing, will not, however, eliminate the waiting list. “If we want to be able to guarantee the law, we have to be able to create these places. It takes conversion, and it also takes us creating the 15,000 spaces to get there,” she said.

The creation of places in childcare services, included in the platform unveiled by the PLQ in June, was integrated into the “Portfolio Plan” with which the Liberals are campaigning on the theme of the fight against inflation.

The PLQ believes that it is possible to finance this commitment with federal transfers of $6 billion over five years.

Militant rallies

No militant rally was organized during this stage of M’s Anglade in Outaouais, where the CAQ snatched three of the region’s five ridings from the Liberals in 2018.

The Liberal leader said she opted for a team dinner on Thursday after meeting local people at the Gatineau Hot Air Balloon Festival. “There are places where we are going to have activist rallies, there are places where we are going to have team dinners, there are places where we are going to meet people, where there are festivals” , she explained.

At his side, candidate Maryse Gaudreault, who is trying to get re-elected in Hull, acknowledged that it is more difficult than before for political parties to mobilize activists. The days when it was possible to gather 250 people are over, she notes. “Today, people give us ‘likes’, people send us messages through Facebook and support us, but they’re not necessarily ready to come and demonstrate it. »

Since the start of the campaign, the Liberals have held three activist rallies in rooms that were never filled, unlike what was common in previous campaigns. Only one of the events, in Montreal, brought together more than the few dozen people present at the other two.

In Val-d’Or, in the early evening, Mme Anglade led a rally that brought together about 60 people.

Liberals at the CAQ

Mme Anglade minimized, Friday, the support given to the CAQ by the veteran liberal Yvon Vallières, who sat for thirty years in the National Assembly.

Mr. Vallières’ support for the Caquist candidate in Arthabaska, Éric Lefebvre, was announced Thursday. The CAQ broadcast a video showing them both and in which the former Liberal minister praises the qualities of the outgoing MP.

Mme Anglade said Friday that the support of former elected officials was not lacking in the Liberal Party of Quebec (PLQ). “I see that we bring together a lot of people, who are long-time Liberals as well as people who have not been Liberals in the past and who decide to join us, she said. Obviously, Mr. Vallières is free to make his choices. »

Dominique Anglade highlighted the presence of former Liberal ministers Margaret Delisle, Yves Bolduc, Luc Fortin and Norman MacMillan in his election events. “I’m going to tell you about veterans,” she said before listing them.

After Outaouais, where she had been since Thursday, the Liberal leader campaigned Friday in Abitibi-Témiscamingue.

No travel is on the menu in the riding of Rouyn-Noranda–Témiscamingue, where the CAQ presents Daniel Bernard, a former Liberal MP who had managed to get elected twice and enter the governments of Jean Charest. To the local media, Mr. Bernard explained, when his candidacy was announced, that he had first chosen the PLQ for its program for the regions, then the CAQ for the same reason.

Mme Anglade was not formalized to see an ex-liberal opt for the program of his opponents rather than for his charter of the regions, with which she hopes to make a breakthrough outside the major centers, where his training reaps the bulk of his successes . “I invite him to read this charter of the regions”, she contented herself with saying.

According to her, the candidates she has recruited “put their convictions beyond their ambitions”.

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