Anggun: Magnificent ambassador of Indonesian culture, she shines in the heart of Paris!

Anggun has never hidden it: his country of birth, Indonesia, is one of his pillars! Arrived in France as a young adult in the 90s, she finally obtained French nationality in 2000 and still lives there today, never forgetting where she comes from. Moreover, when she was offered the opportunity to introduce the French to her culture, she jumped at the chance!

The proof, this Wednesday, with this magnificent show organized by the BHV on the theme of Indonesia, on the occasion of a complete exhibition on the Asian country. In the middle of the street, the singer, member of the jury of Mask Singer, had agreed to participate and marched with the other artists in traditional costume before singing several songs. Sublime in a black and gold coat then in a deconstructed orange dress, she put on a show in front of the Indonesian ambassador in Paris, present with the family and who made a speech.

A show that gave the impression of being in Asia, both the costumes and the dances were of high quality, and which allowed the singer to introduce her fans to her country, where she started in the early 90s by going up his own production house. Too quickly cataloged as a rock singer, she then decided to try her luck in Europe and in particular in Paris where she met her great friend Florent Pagny, who helped her break through.

A new life that she likes and that she claims, even if it means putting herself in danger in her country, she who often adopts progressive points of view in a very conservative country. “Not only did I go to live abroad and I am not veiled. But in addition, I speak publicly, I take political positions and I changed nationality, which many have experienced as a betrayal. I think some Indonesians just don’t understand that I can open my mouth…” she told the magazine Technikartmuch more committed than its French reputation would have it.

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