Anggun: His Parisian apartment burgled a second time, another large sum stolen!

Anggun, ready to flee Paris? The 47-year-old singer has been robbed again! The mischief was committed Monday, December 6, 2021, reports BFMTV, which confirms information from the site News17. “Thieves climbed the facade to enter the artist’s apartment“, can we read.

Fortunately, during this burglary the interpreter of the tube Snow in the Sahara was not present and thus perhaps avoided being molested or ending up tied up like Kim Kardashian at her Parisian hotel …. The apartment of the beautiful Indonesian, who lives most of the year in France , is located in the chic 8th arrondissement of Paris. The burglary took place late, around 11:15 p.m., BFM Paris learned from corroborating sources.

In order to successfully enter Anggun’s residence, the thieves “climbed the facade and slipped into the apartment through a window“were able to quickly determine the police called to the scene. The burglars left with a very nice booty including handbags, watches and various luxury items. The damage is estimated at 80,000 euros. The Paris prosecutor’s office opened. an investigation in the wake and the investigations are entrusted to the first judicial police district of the police prefecture.

This is not the first time that the apartment of the star, who is married to photographer Christian Kretschmar, has been the target of burglars! Indeed, already in 2015, Anggun had the bad luck to see his home being burgled. At the time, the stolen loot was much more significant since the magazine Close advanced the very tidy sum of 250,000 euros. Enough to piss off the star and mother of the great Kirana. Will she move elsewhere? Strengthen the security of your home? Case to be continued!

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