Anggun: His daughter Kirana, 14, is his perfect double!

Hair, expressions, physical traits, no doubt. Blood ties indeed unite Anggun and Kirana. You could almost confuse mother and daughter. Some Internet users have also fallen into the trap: “I had to watch several times. I just noticed a difference in the hair, you have jet black hair compared to your daughter”, “She looks so much like you”, “Very very beautiful both.”

His daughter, Anggun is the apple of his eye. Last April, in the magazine We bothshe spoke in particular of their relationship: “I only speak to him in Indonesian. At home, we speak in English with my husband, who is German. My daughter is educated in France, so she is trilingual” she confessed. She was full of praise for Kirana: “She is very funny, she has a real gift of imitator. I am very proud of her. It’s quite disturbing for me, as a mom, to see her grow up. I still think she’s my baby even though she’s a head taller than me!“Let her enjoy it: Anggun still has a few years ahead of her to enjoy her big baby…

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