Angers: the second last chance match for Claude Puel?

Three weeks after the derby, Claude Puel is again confronted with a cleaver match this Friday (9 p.m.) against Angers on behalf of the 11th day of Ligue 1. While the draw snatched against Lyon gave him air, the rout in Strasbourg (5-1) plunged the club back to the bottom of the hold and doubts around the manager of the Greens rebounded as quickly as they had “dissipated”.

Puel concentrates criticism

Again on a Claude Puel ejection seat? At the start of the week, our information suggested that he would not resist another poor performance against Angers. Some supporters did not want to wait until then. This Thursday in the middle of the afternoon, a banner signed by Magic Fans, Green Angels and Independents from Saint-Etienne demanded the resignation of Castres within “24 hours”.

I live this through my team replied Claude Puel at a press conference. I’m not used to talking about myself and putting myself forward. The most important thing is to stay focused on my work. For me there is no pressure. The supporters will be behind their team. We are at home and we must put pressure on the opponent and not be in a climate that is not conducive to expressing oneself “.

We must first play for us – Harold Moukoudi

The players have not had another visit from supporters to the training center this week. A Robert-Herbin sports center “bunkerised” with no training open to the public and a (light) security reinforcement deployed this afternoon. Harold Moukoudi, who came to preach the good word in front of journalists, explained that he was “maybe unfair to make the coach solely responsible for this situation“.

Before thinking that we have let go of the coach, we must first play for us and our own pride specifies the Cameroonian defender. We or the coach have a common goal, it is to put the club where it should be“. With the difference that in the event of a bad result against Angers, it is not the players who will leave …

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ASSE – Angers is live on France Bleu Saint-Étienne Loire © Radio France
Kevin boderau

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