Anger rumbles in China at the images of spectators without masks at the World Cup

Television footage of maskless spectators at the FIFA World Cup has Chinese people furious that they are still subject to Beijing’s strict “zero COVID” policy while the rest of the world lives with the virus.

“Some attend World Cup matches in person and without a mask, others have been confined to their homes for a month, on site for two months, without being able to set foot outside,” writes a Guangdong resident on the social network. Weibo, the Chinese equivalent of Twitter.

“Who stole my life? I won’t comment,” he added, amid grumbling against the Chinese regime’s relentless approach to limiting the spread of COVID-19 cases.

China, where COVID-19 was detected in late 2019, is the world’s last major economy still trying to stem the spread of the coronavirus, locking down entire cities or neighborhoods and imposing screening tests on millions of people. people.

Still, the number of daily cases hit 29,157 on Wednesday, which is low compared to other countries but close to the national record set in April.

As of Tuesday, more than a quarter of the Chinese population had been placed in some form of confinement on Tuesday, according to analysts at the Nomura Institute, in contrast to the crowds at the World Cup.

“The World Cup allows most Chinese people to see the reality abroad, to worry about the motherland’s economy and their own youth,” wrote another Weibo user from Shaanxi province. .

An open letter asking if China is “on the same planet” as Qatar was posted on messaging app WeChat on Tuesday, before being censored and removed from the platform.

World Cup matches are shown in China on state network CCTV, the same one that bombards Chinese people with negative information about the chaos and numerous deaths caused by COVID-19 in the United States.

“Nigeria’s anti-epidemic policy has clear results […] why don’t we learn from Nigeria and just look at US data,” the open letter questioned.

Public anger over these restrictions has recently resulted in rare protests.

On Wednesday, violent protests erupted around the world’s largest iPhone factory, owned by Taiwanese subcontractor Foxconn.

Workers got into altercations with people in white full body suits and riot police over COVID-19 restrictions.

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