anger rises among the police after the indictment of four agents



Video length: 1 min.

France 2

Article written by

France 2 – C.Pain, H.Puffeney, G.Carra, N.Thévenot

France Televisions

Anger is rising within the police. A union calls for minimum service after the imprisonment of a police officer, Thursday July 20, in Marseille. He is suspected, along with three other officers, of having beaten a young man.

Cries of support and applause, at the exit of the courthouse in Marseille (Bouches-du-Rhône). In a car, a policeman goes into pre-trial detention. Thursday, July 20, many law enforcement officers waited for hours to show their solidarity with their college. A little earlier, three other police officers had emerged free but under judicial supervision, with a ban on exercising.

SGP-FO unit calls for minimum service

Inadmissible reactions for Me. Jacques Preziosi, Hedi’s lawyer, the young man who accuses BAC police officers of having violently attacked him during the riots that shook Marseille on July 2. “The impression it makes on the victims is absolutely deplorable. I think the impression it makes on the public is also deplorable. The presumption of innocence is not to be applauded, it is to be respected”, he believes. Hedi claims to have received a flashball shot and then beatings, delivered by plainclothes police officers from the BAC, for no reason. The consequences are serious: coma, fractured jaw, he could even lose the use of one eye. Dozens of Marseille police officers are said to be on sick leave, worn out and worried about court decisions concerning their profession. The SGP-FO Unit union calls on all police officers to minimum service.

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