Anger of farmers: “The cup is full”, says the president of Young Farmers


Video length: 9 min

Anger of farmers: “The cup is full”, says the president of Young Farmers

Anger of farmers: “The cup is full”, says the president of Young Farmers – (France 2)

Arnaud Gaillot, president of Young Farmers, was the guest of “4 Vérités” on France 2, Monday January 22.

After several days of mobilization by farmers, including road blockages, anger has not abated. Returning to the causes of the protest movement, the president of the Young Farmers mentioned a “generally fed up with the agricultural world” in “4 Vérités” on France 2, Monday January 22. “For years, we have been alerting successive governments” on the fact that farmers “are not paid” and that there is “always more constraints”explained Arnaud Gaillot. “The cup is full”he said.

A meeting planned with Gabriel Attal

The president of the Young Farmers will be received late Monday afternoon by the Prime Minister in Matignon. Asked what he was going to ask him, Arnaud Gaillot replied : “The first thing is to enforce the law EGAlim which, normally, means that the farmer has his price [de vente, NDLR] guaranteed.” “Controls must be strengthened to ensure that the law is properly applied”he added.

Arnaud Gaillot also announced that he was going to ask Gabriel Attal a “normative break”. The president of Young Farmers added that he intended to discuss with the Prime Minister the problem posed by the “competition from other countries, with food that is not produced with the same rules, far from the standards that are imposed on our agriculture”.

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