Senator Europe Ecologie-Les Verts de Paris was the guest of “8h30 franceinfo”, Saturday January 20.
Reading time: 18 min

Yannick Jadot was the guest of “8h30 franceinfo”, Saturday January 20. Call for a change in the agricultural model, launch of a senatorial commission on TotalEnergies, update on the EELV campaign for the European elections… He answered questions from Agathe Lambret and Jules De Kiss.
Agricultural rebellion: “Much of this anger is justified”
On the anger of farmers, who are blocking several roads in the South-West, Yannick Jadot estimated that it “the government must support these farmers towards a more profitable agricultural model, which is more socially protective and which respects the environment”.
“A lot of this anger is justified,” assured the environmentalist senator. “We have two suicides” farmers per day, “dramatic economic and social conditions with farmers living below the poverty line”. And, added Yannick Jadot, “an ecological crisis linked to this agricultural model with the scarcity of water”.
For the chosen one, it is therefore necessary “change our agricultural model towards a model with more farmers, with local production (…) we must support them”.
“Total must no longer free itself from the general interest”
Yannick Jadot will be the rapporteur for a Senate commission of inquiry into the activities of TotalEnergies, whose hearings will begin next week. “Total is one of the first global groups to seek out the most oil and gas, in cooperation and in compliance with authoritarian and dictatorial regimes” launched the environmentalist senator.
HAS this title, “a Senate commission of inquiry is to ensure that we give ourselves the public policy tools to ensure that Total no longer frees itself from the general interest, climate change and defense of democracy”estimated Yannick Jadot.
“Imagine Exxon, Total, Shell, BP stopping making oil and gas which destroy our living conditions, but which become actors in the energy transition”, concluded the elected official. The conclusions of this senatorial commission of inquiry will be made “in six months”.
The Greens under the socialist banner for the European elections? “I do not believe”
While the Europe Ecologie-Les Verts list for the European elections next June, carried by Marie Toussaint, does not exceed 10% in the polls, Yannick Jadot has closed the door to a possible rallying of ecologists to the socialists.
The Greens lined up under the socialist banner in the European elections, a possible scenario? “Ah no!” exclaims Yannick Jadot. “I don’t think so.”
— franceinfo (@franceinfo) January 20, 2024
“We’ll see in the end.”delayed Yannick Jadot. “In the European Parliament, on agricultural issues, only environmentalists are fighting so that 80% of aid does not only go to the richest farmers,” he said. “The socialist group in the European Parliament wants to vote on the EU-Mercosur agreement”, which would lead, according to the senator, to “the destruction of the Amazon”. “We fight” this agreement, he added.
Watch the entire 8:30 a.m. franceinfo broadcast on Saturday January 20, 2024: