anger of environmentalists and satisfaction of bikers

The government has buried the decree which was to make technical control compulsory for two-wheelers, without following the opinion of the Council of State, which recently considered that the measure, which stems from European legislation, should be applied. before October 1.

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The technical control of two-wheelers is well and truly buried by the government: the decree imposing this obligation next year for motorcycles and large scooters was repealed on Tuesday July 26. Emmanuel Macron, the President of the Republic, had already estimated a year ago that this was not the time “to annoy the French” with that. A decision that makes environmentalists jump and that delights biker associations.

Since it was received Tuesday morning by the Minister of Transport, the French Federation of angry bikers is much less furious. Didier Renoux, its general delegate, applauds the abandonment of technical control for motorized two-wheelers: “We received it very favorably since it has been a dozen years that we have been demonstrating with force, figures in support, that a technical control is not relevant for road safety: it is a victory for the common sense.”

Except that this technical control stems from European legislation and that the Council of State recently considered that it should be applied before October 1st. Tony Renucci, director general of the Respire association, denounces a government decision “illegal and anti-ecological” : “Technical inspection is a measure which is necessary to remove from circulation two-wheelers which are not up to standard and which are sources of noise pollution, atmospheric pollution and accidents.he explains. Emmanuel Macron himself said that the five-year term will be ecological or it will not be: I think we got the answer today.

Respire and two other environmental associations intend to challenge the government’s decision before the Council of State. The latter explains that he presented to the European Commission alternative measures to technical control to improve safety and reduce pollution.

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