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While Air France and Air Bus were released on Monday April 17 in the case of the crash of the Rio-Paris flight which claimed the lives of 228 people on June 1, 2009, the families of the victims, very moved, expressed of their misunderstanding.
With closed faces, the families of the victims left the courtroom stunned. Airbus and Air France were released on Monday April 17 after 14 years of legal battle. “We were told that there are faults and not just one at Airbus and Air France, and yet we are told to relax? I admit that today I have a lot of trouble understanding justice from my country”comments Ophélie Toulliou, the sister of a passenger who died in the crash.
“There is a responsibility”
According to the court, the guilt of Air France and Airbus could not be formally established to be able to condemn them. On the other hand, their shortcomings and their negligence make them responsible in the eyes of justice, as the lawyer for the families has always affirmed. “This accident should have been avoided. No, it is not the fault of the pilots, in any case it is not the exclusive fault of the pilots. Yes, there is a responsibility, and that is what I want that we retain”, commented Alain Jakubowicz. Months of investigation and hundreds of debris recovered off the Brazilian coast have, according to experts, demonstrated that the Pitot probes, fixed to the outside of the plane, are at the origin of the disaster.