Angélique (Koh-Lanta) in a polygamous couple? The bride explains

It was in 2020, during his participation in Koh-Lanta, The 4 Lands, that Angélique was revealed to the general public. Since then, she has not appeared on any other TV shows, unlike other Robinson trainees. However, she remains active on social media. Lola’s sidekick shares some photos of his daily life, between Dakar and Paris. Also, in story on Instagram, she answers questions from Internet users, like Monday, February 14, 2022.

While she had remained very discreet about her loves, Angélique celebrated her marriage in November 2021. It was in traditional Senegalese dress that she said “yes” to her lover, who until then had remained in the shadows. Since then, the couple appears happy and fulfilled. A new routine for two that some already find too calm. Indeed, during a question and answer session with her subscribers, the apprentice Robinson was asked about her point of view vis-à-vis … polygamy.

In Senegal it is very common“, specifies a surfer who then asks her if she could accept that her husband marries a second wife. “You want a third world war! It’s no, no. It is common but it is not a majority. Short no trouple or polygamy here !“, she lets go. In the process, Angélique shares a new photo with her companion, a certain “Monsieur Sy”. The duo strikes a pose in a car on the occasion of a special day. “Second Valentine’s Day with my BFF“, indicates the young bride.

Angelique is not the only candidate for Koh Lanta to be questioned about the intimacy of her couple. Before her, Alexandra, winner of the 4 Earths and seen in The legend (2021), had indicated to be “as a free couple” with her half Hugo. It was enough for Internet users to fantasize. It was then that she was forced to make things clear on this subject. “In fact being in free union, it just means that we are not PACS. That’s the term used, that’s allshe said. I am not a polygamist or a swinger.

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