Angèle “trapped in a toxic relationship”: she confides in her love past

The love life of the stars fascinates their many fans. Those of Angela read with the greatest attention her few statements on her personal experiences. The singer has made new ones: she evokes “a toxic relationship“lived younger …

Ninety-five, Angela’s new album, was released on Friday December 3, 2021. The artist, just 25 years old, actively promotes it, posting regularly on social networks and giving several interviews. She spoke to the newspaper The Obs to talk about music and love. In the song Solo taken from Ninety-five, Angèle sings about wanting to live alone and no longer fall in love.

Trapped in a toxic relationship …

I’ve been wondering about the couple for a while. I have been living love stories since the age of 15 with the feeling of listening less to my heart than following a pattern, as if we had all agreed on the definition of a couple., explains the young woman. I started talking about it around me, and all my certainties collapsed. Today, we question the couple, we can deconstruct everything and reinvent everything. Do we have to live together, be together all the time, be exclusive, straight? I don’t have an answer yet, and if I don’t intend, like in the song, to never fall in love again, I no longer want to find myself trapped in a toxic or overly engaging relationship like it happened to me when I was younger.

Angèle does not specify the age she was at the time, nor the sex of her partner.

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