ANEFA Dordogne, offers various jobs in Périgord

ANEFA Dordogne offers the following jobs in Périgord

Arboriculture agent M/F – Urgent

A full-time CDI is offered to an arboreal agent in the Isle-Loue-Auvézère sector with an immediate hiring date. For an arboreal exploitation you will participate in the various works relating to the orchard and you will carry out the maintenance of the exploitation. You will also be required to drive agricultural equipment. OFFER OFR-031892-24

Polyvalent agricultural agent M/F – Urgent

A versatile agricultural agent is wanted in the Ribérac sector for a full-time permanent contract with immediate hiring date. You will manage the herd, and you will move to the different grazing sites. Driving agricultural machinery is desired; training is possible. OFFER OFR-031493-24

Livestock Technician M/F – Urgent

A full-time CDI with immediate hiring date is offered to a livestock technician in the Thiviers sector. For an agricultural association, you will carry out Technical breeding monitoring, Quality monitoring & Sector animations. OFFER OFR-034050-24

ANEFA offers are here. All you have to do is fill in the job numbers on the site to apply directly there.

Contact: ANEFA Dordogne – 295 Boulevard des Saveurs – Cré@Vallée Nord – 24660 COULOUNIEIX-CHAMIERS. Information: Tel:

Do you have a job offer for us? Do not hesitate to submit it in our form or send it by email to: [email protected]

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