Google has launched Android XR, an extended reality platform integrating advanced AI features, aiming to compete with Apple’s Vision Pro. Samsung will debut Android XR with its “Project Moohan” headset in 2025, following delays due to management tensions. The platform supports existing Android apps and includes an emulator for developers. Google’s Gemini AI enhances user interaction, while plans for consumer smart glasses are in progress. Other companies, including Lynx and Sony, are expected to adopt Android XR for their devices.
Introducing Android XR: Google’s Bold Venture into Extended Reality
Google has officially unveiled Android XR, its innovative extended reality platform built on Android, which is set to incorporate advanced artificial intelligence features. With this launch, Google is stepping into the competitive landscape of immersive technologies, positioning itself alongside Apple and its Vision Pro. Today marks the release of the first developer preview, which is compatible with popular tools such as ARCore, Android Studio, Jetpack Compose, Unity, and OpenXR. This broad compatibility is designed to make it easier for developers to transition to this new platform.
Samsung’s Project Moohan: The First Device to Utilize Android XR
Samsung is set to be the pioneer in utilizing Android XR with its upcoming headset, “Project Moohan,” anticipated for release in 2025. This venture is a collaborative effort between Google, Samsung, and Qualcomm, first announced in early 2023. However, the project has faced its share of challenges; according to reports, tensions over project management between Google and Samsung have pushed the original launch date from 2024 to 2025.
From the information available, this headset is expected to excel in seamlessly transitioning between a fully immersive experience and augmented reality that overlays the real world. The integration of Gemini, Google’s AI assistant, will enable users to interact with applications and content in a more intuitive manner.
One of the standout features of Android XR is its native compatibility with a wide range of existing Android applications. Users will gain immediate access to an extensive library of apps through the Android XR Play Store. This approach could provide a significant advantage over Apple’s Vision Pro, which has faced challenges due to its high price point of 3999 euros and a limited selection of launch applications. In response to declining sales, reports suggest that Apple has paused production of its initial mixed reality headset.
To streamline development, Google is incorporating an Android XR emulator within Android Studio, enabling developers to visualize their applications in a virtual space. The integration of Gemini goes beyond basic voice commands, offering contextual features and support for “Circle to search,” enhancing user interaction.
This week, Google also introduced its Gemini 2.0 model, aimed at allowing artificial intelligence to manage device functionalities on behalf of users. This concept aligns perfectly with the overarching vision of Android XR. As Sameer Samat, president of Google’s Android division, highlighted, the multimodal AI within their AR platform will facilitate a natural and intuitive user experience, paving the way for broader adoption of this technology.
Additionally, Google is exploring the possibility of developing smart glasses for everyday consumers, with prototypes currently being tested among select users. These new glasses are expected to succeed the Google Glass Enterprise Edition 2, which were specifically designed for professional use. Demonstrations have showcased potential use cases, such as synthesizing group conversations and aiding in daily tasks.
Companies like Lynx, Sony, and XReal, which utilize Qualcomm’s XR solutions, are also expected to release devices powered by Android XR. Moreover, Google continues its partnership with Magic Leap, although specific details regarding this collaboration are still pending.
After previous challenges with initiatives like Project Tango, Daydream, and Cardboard VR, Google aims for a fresh start with Android XR, hoping to attract both hardware manufacturers and software developers. The ultimate goal is to create a thriving ecosystem in the realm of mixed reality.