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The author of the premonitory novel “The gray bees” came to present his work a few weeks ago in the 23h of franceinfo. Contacted by the newspaper’s teams, he mentioned the war in Ukraine.
Since the start of the war in Ukraine, Andrei Kurkov, a Russian-speaking Ukrainian author, hasn’t slept much. “I work from 6 a.m. until nightfall. I write articles for the international press. I do two, three, sometimes four articles a day. I give interviews“, he enumerates. And to continue: “My sons are here and are involved in helping the refugees, they help them at the border with Hungary.“
And if the writer is not frightened by the situation currently unfolding in Eastern Europe, he does not mince his words against Vladimir Putin: “I’m not afraid, I’m very angry. Against Putin, against Russia, against Russian barbarians who kill women, unarmed people, civilians. I am angry at the Russian planes that bombed the Mariupol theater where people were hiding from the bombings“. And the author concludes his remarks with a message of hope: “If I can give any advice it is this: read more books on the history of Ukraine, books written by Ukrainian authors to understand the difference between Russia and Ukraine and to understand the reasons why Putin decided to attack Ukraine and why he wants to destroy this independent country.“