André Bouchet, Passe-Partout of Fort Boyard: He reveals his salary!

We no longer present Passe-Partout. Iconic character of Fort Boyard on France 2 since 1990 (year during which the program was called The keys of Fort Boyard), the comedian, whose real name is André Bouchet, is a key face of the program in the same way as Father Fouras or Olivier Minne who hosts Fort Boyard since 2003.

This Saturday, September 17, André Bouchet was the guest of At Jordan’s presented by Jordan De Luxe and broadcast on the site of Entertainment TV. The character of Passe-Partout returned to his role in Fort Boyard and his professional career. In addition to Fort Boyard broadcast every summer, André Bouchet has held the position of controller at the RATP since 1997. “The RATP doesn’t bother you too much?”thus asked Jordan De Luxe to the acolyte of Passe-Muraille. “No it’s fine. It’s an arrangement between the channel (France 2) and the RATP”, replied André Bouchet. The latter also spoke about the impact of his fame on his professional life: “They (People) ask me for selfies. But it’s fun.”

A salary around “300 euros per issue”

As he might have guessed, André Bouchet alias Passe-Partout did not miss the thorny subject of money. Suspected by Jordan De Luxe to be one of the highest paid in Fort Boyard with a salary of 2500 euros per shoothis guest denied: “No, it’s wrong. It’s below”he said before insisting on his role as an extra: “I don’t talk. Maybe that’s why I don’t talk”, he quipped. If he specified that his salary revolved around “300 euros per issue”André Bouchet admitted not being aware of the salary of his colleagues at Fort Boyard : “I don’t know how much other people earn. Besides, I won’t allow you to ask them. It’s something I respect.” Olivier Minne’s sidekick also revealed that his salary to work at the RATP was more than 2000 euros monthly.

In terms of love life, André Bouchet, who has been in a relationship with Patricia for twelve years, also revealed a scoop. He was in a relationship with the mother of Passe-Muraille’s companion, whose real name is Anthony Laborde. It is moreover thanks to André Bouchet that the latter entered Fort Boyard in 2004. “He goes out with the girl. And I’m with the girl’s mom”he revealed.

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