André Boisclair obtains a parole

Four months after being denied parole because of his “arrogant attitude”, the former leader of the Parti Québécois André Boisclair will finally be able to get out of prison.

This was concluded by the Quebec Parole Board in a decision rendered on Monday.

“The Commission considers that a release at this stage of your sentence, with follow-ups, conditions and supervision, remains, in the long term, an adequate measure to ensure the protection of the public, while promoting social reintegration”, perhaps we read there.

Sentenced to two years in prison less a day last July, André Boisclair was already eligible for a preparatory release for parole, since he had served one-sixth of his sentence.

The former politician had however been refused a first request to this effect, on November 14. His refusal to participate in a therapy specializing in sexual offending during his detention had notably sealed his request for release.

Risk assessment

However, if this criterion is still held against him, as is the seriousness of the actions that led to his incarceration, the Commission has now come to the conclusion that “changes” in André Boisclair’s situation “are such that his assessment risk has modulated”.

“In fact, new reports were sent to your file by your psychiatrist and your sexologist a few days ago. The Commission notes that despite the technical difficulties encountered, you were able to resume your therapeutic follow-up with these professionals from detention, following this refusal decision. [du 14 novembre dernier] “, she adds.

What’s more, the former PQ leader’s file is now backed by letters from his brother, a friend and a participant in his support group, who point out the changes observed in his behavior and “what will be the means taken for [le] support and [l’]frame”.

Sleazy details

Recall that in January 2014, the ousted politician ordered two other people to grab a young man and penetrate him. During the attack, André Boisclair held the victim by the chest. The details of the crime are sordid.

Then, in 2015, André Boisclair sexually assaulted a young man he met on a dating site. On several occasions, his victim asked him to stop his actions. It was not until the third “Stop” that the aggressor finally complied. “I am scarred for life. […] It is not normal. I didn’t deserve this. Nobody deserves that, ”the victim told the court.

Note that André Boisclair will have to comply with a long list of conditions until the end of his sentence, including not consuming alcohol, reporting to a police station every four weeks and avoiding any contact with his victims.

Louis-Samuel Perron, The Press

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