And now, the goddaughter of Alain Delon is loose on Hiromi and reveals very strange exchanges by messages and email!

This Wednesday, July 5, 2023, the children of Alain Delon, (Anthony, Anouchka and Alain-Fabien, editor’s note) announced, through their lawyer, their decision to file a complaint against Hiromi Rolin, the lady-in-waiting of the monster of the French cinema, for moral harassment and abuse of weakness. Charges that do not seem to surprise Géraldine Danon, the goddaughter of the actor. Interviewed by BFM-TVthe latter remembers with bitterness the distance from the actor to whom she has always been close.

“We had a fairly long-lasting relationship, we rarely stayed long without hearing from each other”, explained in particular the theater director. According to her, things would have suddenly changed following the arrival of Hiromi in the life of Alain Delon. “They introduced her to me in terms that weren’t very clear, I was told that she was an old understudy of his. I imagined that she must be his assistant, a handywoman and that she was helping him. But it is true that I had never heard of her before two years, nor even met, nor exchanged apart by email”, she confided.

See also:

“The first time I heard of her”

It was only two years earlier that Géraldine Danon had the unpleasant surprise of receiving a message from her godfather, “who didn’t look like him”. At the time, the young woman had just sent her a film project, report our colleagues. “I was told ‘no you have to go through Hiromi’s email’. It’s the first time I’ve heard of her. Apparently this message had been sent by her. I then sent the part, he did not call me back, he messaged me on the same email that came from her”, remembered the producer.

According to her, her text messages sent to Alain Delon would not have been delivered. “The last being the one where I told him that the last film I had made had been selected for the Cannes festival, something in general that he would not have failed to salute. He would have sent me a nice text to congratulate me I think, because he has always been there for me and he has always been faithful and enthusiastic with the different episodes of my life.

Géraldine Danon also reported that her last contact with the comedian dates back to “a year”. “He sounded very well on the phone, with a sense of humor. I found him quite valiant I would say, very fit and since no news”. Like the actor’s children, the actress also seems “to believe that there is a form of abuse of weakness”. “It’s my instinct, and if Anthony, Anouchka and Alain-Fabien start these procedures it means that they must have even more undeniable evidence”. A dark affair…


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