On March 28, 2022, the Oscars ceremony took place during which many celebrities competed in chic and glamor on the red carpet. But if the eyes are generally turned towards the parade of stars or the speeches on stage, an event of a completely different magnitude has caused a lot of talk. You will have understood it, we are indeed talking about Will Smith’s slap in the face of Chris Rock which not only shocked the whole room but also Internet users on the Web.
By making a joke about the physical appearance of Jada Pinkett Smith and especially her shaved head, Chris Rock certainly did not expect to be assaulted physically by the actor Prince of Bel Air and the sequence where we see the latter go on stage to violently strike the comedian will remain engraved in the annals. If many well-known personalities and Internet users have condemned the gesture of Will Smith, his wife, Jada Pinkett, also seems not to approve.
According to a source who confided in US Weeklythe 50-year-old actress is not “angry against” Will Smith because of his gesture but she would still have wanted him not to physically attack Chris Rock. “It was in the heat of the moment and he was the one who overreacted. He knows it, she knows it. They agree that he overreacted.” In short, Jada Pinkett absolutely does not approve of her husband’s violence against the comedian during the Oscars and would have done well without this bad buzz.
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