and now it’s Laurence Boccolini’s turn to get involved…

A few days ago, Here is revealed an investigation in which several former collaborators evoke misconduct on the part of Denis Brogniart at TF1.

“I am very committed, a perfectionist and on the occasion of two live broadcasts on TF1, where the pressure is very intense, I had words that went beyond my thoughts, remarks that offended some people and I regret it. Nothing does not justify my behavior, which followed certain difficulties […] I would like to apologize to anyone I may have hurt.” explained the host of Koh-Lanta following these accusations. Judged excuses “wobbly” from Charlotte Namura. On instagramthe young woman published a long text, Sunday January 29 in which she looks back on what she experienced a little over four years ago.

In the comments, many people wanted to support him. In particular, Laurence Boccolini. The host who officiated on the first channel, shares“a real sadness to read again and again that the ‘younger’ generation undergoes what we sometimes had to go through, gritting our teeth and displaying a vegetable smile, our hearts full of tears and fear, in the frightening and contemptuous silence of the upper spheres”.

She went on to say: “What titanium armor did he have to build to keep going!!!” The ex-presenter nevertheless specified that in “this very masculine universe there were also very good and positive men” as “women of great cruelty towards other women”.

In these words, her little sister at heart replied to her, among other things: “I think it’s time to stop.”

See also: “He would have been 80 years old”: Denis Brogniart moved, his vibrant tribute to the one who “misses him so much


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