and now his loved ones are turning into Stephane Plaza!

On February 10, 2023, Pierre Palmade was the author of a tragic accident in Seine-et-Marne, in the town of Villiers-en-Bière. The toll is heavy: a car hit from the front which leads to the hospitalization of the driver on board and his son, also present in the vehicle. The driver’s sister-in-law, seven months pregnant, tragically lost the baby she had been waiting for for years after the accident.

Since that date, Pierre Palmade has stayed in several hospitals, has been heard by the police, and has experienced health problems. But as the days go by, the 55-year-old comedian seems to be gradually finding freedom. After a first stay of six weeks at the Paul-Brousse center in Villejuif, the ex-acolyte of Michèle Laroque is currently staying at the Bordeaux University Hospital. Establishment in which he has been receiving treatment since the end of April. Last weekend, Pierre Palmade was authorized to leave the CHU to spend a few hours with his loved ones.

See also: The producer of Pierre Palmade speaks for the first time: the ultra creepy nickname he gave to the comedian!

Pierre Palmade, looking for a new place to live?

Our colleagues from Here is recall, for example, that his sister Hélène would have picked him up from the hospital to go for a walk in the city of Bordeaux and have lunch with the family. Still according to our colleagues, the group could even have gone to the cinema to attend Dany Boon’s latest film “Life for real”. Still according to Here, his relatives would not want Pierre Palmade to return to Paris and would prefer that he stay away from the tumult linked to his accident.

Fact, “His relatives then look for him a new cozy nest in the Bordeaux region, where the comedian can rebuild his life, far from the temptations of Paris”relay our colleagues from Gala. The latter recalling that the region would suit him very well, given that it is a place in which he grew up.


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