And now Harry is blaming William and Kate Middleton for the Nazi costume scandal!

It was in 2005, but this scandal still sticks to the skin of prince Harry. More than 15 years ago, the husband of Meghan Markle indeed went to a disguised party on the theme “Indigenous and Colonial” dressed in a costume of a Nazi soldier… A disguise which was not long in coming. make the front page of the tabloid “The Sun”.

A few days later, the grandson of Queen Elizabeth II presented his official apologies: “I’m so sorry if I shocked or made anyone feel uncomfortable. It was a bad costume choice and I apologize for that,” he wrote in an official statement.

A misstep that he describes today as “one of the biggest mistakes of his life”. A “mistake” on which Prince Harry wished to return in “Spare” his autobiography which will be released on January 10.

The qualified father has indeed claimed that it was his big brother Prince William and his sister-in-law Kate Middleton who encouraged him to choose this costume. “I phoned Willy and Kate, asked them what they thought. Nazi uniform, they retorted”writes the Duke of Sussex, in the good sheets of the book consulted by the American media Page Six.

Subsequently, Prince Harry had tried on the costume to show it to the couple. ” [Kate et William] both roared with laughter. It was worse than Willy’s leotard outfit! Much more ridiculous! Which, again, was the goal”he writes…

Revelations that coincide with the book “Royal War, Lies and Betrayals” in which the famous historian Robert Lacey already revealed that Harry “had rented his costume in agreement with his brother, the future king, who had laughed all the way back for Highgrove”. This is not likely to ease the tensions between the two brothers.

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