and if this was the real France?



In the franceinfo Talk on Twitch, Ludovic Pauchant’s guests return to the Israeli offensive in Lebanon and pay tribute to DJ Mehdi on the occasion of the documentary series “DJ Mehdi, Made in France”.

Come ask your questions in the franceinfo Talk chat live on Twitch! Thursday, September 26, from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m., Ludovic Pauchant and his guests will discuss the Israeli offensive in Lebanon.

From 7 p.m. to 8 p.m., the Talk offers a journey into French hip-hop by looking back at the history of the iconic producer, DJ Mehdi and the Arte series released in his honor, 13 years after his death.

To discuss and answer chat questions:

  • Jean-Paul Chagnollaud, president of the Cercle des Constitutionnalistes, author of “La Constitution de la Ve République”, republished at the beginning of the year by Dalloz

  • Younès Belfellah, Lecturer and researcher at the University of Paris 8, director of the Think Tank MedFocus, specialist in the Middle East.

  • General Jérôme Pellistrandi, editor-in-chief of the magazine Défense Nationale

  • Marie Klock, music journalist / musician

  • Thibault Longeville, director of the documentary series “Dj Mehdi Made in France”

  • Fred Musa, journalist and presenter of the Planet Rap show

Join us from 6pm on Wednesdays and Thursdays on franceinfo’s Twitch channel to participate in the franceinfo Talk. Two hours of discussions, insights, and debate around current affairs and society topics.

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