[Analyse] Republican discord at the head of the United States House of Representatives

Political deadlock in the United States. The Republican majority in the United States House of Representatives has failed six times in its attempt to elect its president, the ” Speaker of the House “. The Democrats are rubbing their hands at this show of division which, if prolonged, could plunge the country into paralysis.

Republican officials voted six times on Tuesday and Wednesday to appoint a replacement for Nancy Pelosi. No consensus was reached, despite their majority in the chamber, hours of negotiations and explicit support from the elephant in the room, Donald Trump.

You have to go back exactly 100 years to find such a Gordian knot. In 1923, these same Republicans were struggling with their extremist wing. Nine votes spread over several days were needed to break the deadlock. The process can last a very long time: in 1856, the elected members of Congress agreed only after two months and 133 turns.

Without this speaker, keystone of the lower house, nothing can go forward. No law can be passed and no committee can be convened. In other words, as long as the deadlock persists, it is legislative paralysis.

The American Congress is however “in no hurry” to appoint the number 3 of the government, observes Charles-Philippe David, president of the Observatory on the United States of the Raoul-Dandurand Chair. “Fortunately, the budget [en place jusqu’en septembre 2023] was adopted and signed by Biden during the holiday season. […] But, theoretically, at some point—if the debt ceiling had to be raised, for example—if Congress does not meet, there will be a shutdown. »

The Republican nominee, Kevin McCarthy, is nevertheless a “generally appreciated” person, said Casey Burgat, director of the Department of Legislative Affairs at George Washington University, located in the American capital. “He is an incredible fundraiser, although a bit weak in negotiations. He is friends with just about everyone and he doesn’t alienate anyone. It makes people a bit skeptical about his ability to get the job. »

The career politician, who weaves along with the trends, had shown flat-belliedness in front of Donald Trump when he won the presidency. The 2024 election candidate returned the favor Wednesday morning by touting McCarthy, who he says will “do a good job, maybe even a great job.”

“Do not turn a great triumph into a giant and embarrassing defeat,” the former president wrote in capitals on his social network. However, this weighty support was not enough to convince the majority of Republicans in the House of Representatives, proof that whoever had the upper hand over the “Grand Old Party” is now seeing his grip weaken.

Negotiations held behind closed doors and cryptic statements such as “conservations are positive” came to nothing. As the day progressed and the votes were repeated without the result changing one iota, the exasperation could be read on the faces of the elected Republicans. “It’s an endless new day,” quipped Florida elected official Kat Cammack.

The Democrats have been smiling en masse for two days behind their defeated candidate, loudly mocking opposing statements.

Right versus extreme right

Against Kevin McCarthy, this “Trumpist” candidate, stands a handful of ultra-conservatives. About twenty elected Republicans rather support Byron Donalds, a little-known elected official from Florida.

This group, which some critics dub the nickname “the 20 Taliban”, revolves around the “freedom caucus”, a party within the party with ill-defined contours. The slim majority of Republicans in the House of Representatives (222 seats out of a total of 435) gives this small group the balance of power.

What does this radical fringe want? “She finds that McCarthy is not conservative enough. He’s too into itestablishment. Some say he’s not even a real conservative,” says Casey Burgat.

“She would like, for example, five deputies to be enough to demand a vote on leadership, out of 435 members of Congress, notes Charles-Philippe David. She would like an absolute guarantee of the opening of an impeachment procedure against certain members of the Biden government. »

One of the loudest voices in this protest movement is Matt Gaetz, a Republican elected official from the state of Florida. This follower of Donald Trump went so far as to use his mentor’s rhetoric against himself. “Supporting McCarthy is the worst HR decision President Trump has ever made. Sad ! » he wrote on Twitter.

The good role in Biden

Meanwhile, Democratic President Joe Biden is donning his unifying garb. The chance of the calendar presented him Wednesday in front of the television cameras alongside the other Republican House leader, Mitch McConnell, the tenor of the Senate.

The surprising duo announced the renovation of an old bridge connecting Kentucky and Ohio, all made possible thanks to a trillion-dollar bipartisan law passed in 2021.

The president, cap in the colors of the national flag on his head, praised his ability to build bridges between the opposing camps. “I want to start the year with this historic project because it sends an important message to the whole country. We can work together, we can get things done, we can move this country forward. We just have to let go of our ego and focus on what this country needs,” he said.

He did not fail to shoot an arrow at elected officials stuck for yet another vote on the presidency of the House of Representatives. “I think it’s a bit embarrassing that it’s taking so long, and also the way [les républicains] behave with each other,” he noted, smirking.

A new vote must be held Thursday noon.

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