Anaïs Delva (The Snow Queen) victim of a miscarriage: the singer makes terrible confidences

But, since the drama, the singer, notably known for her title Let It Gothe main song of the film Snow Queen, revealed last April to be pregnant with a baby boy. “I think of his little brother, my rainbow baby, who is growing inside me and who gives me so much happiness every day. Today is my first Mother’s Day, my son in the pit of my belly and my daughter warm in my heart”, she said with emotion in the continuation of her message. A happy event to come, which should help her forget this personal drama that she refuses to qualify as a miscarriage.

There is nothing wrong with a pregnancy ending, and whether it ends at 3, 10, 16 or 25 weeks into the pregnancy. It’s time to change mindsets“, she explains. The artist also wanted to be honest with her fans by explaining that despite her smile, she was still bruised by this disillusionment. “I am one of those who put on smiles to hide sadness. A smile can hide grief, depression“, she says, in all honesty.

If the 35-year-old singer remains very discreet about her love life, she seems to have found love, as evidenced by her Instagram post of April 5 where we see her baby bump but above all a comment in which she states that the photo was taken”by the best future dad in the world“.

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