Anaïs Camizuli hospitalized twice: revelations about an injection in the buttocks and a complaint

Anaïs Camizuli was angry. In two months, the winner of Secret Story 7 (2013) was hospitalized twice due to infection. An evil that gnaws at her, the origin of which she had not revealed. But on December 14, 2021, she was forced to speak out because she was “harass and insult“.

Unfortunately for the beautiful 33-year-old Marseillaise, her medical file was sent to a blogger who calls himself Aqababe. A document that the latter did not wish to disclose. But rumors starting to come out, Anaïs Camizuli preferred to speak in order to make an update. “In April, I gave Hyacorp injections, five syringes in each buttock. There you are, now you are aware of everything. Everything went very well. You have an antibiotic to take next, because there is a risk of infection and that is what I did for a week. Corn it turns out that at the beginning of october i have a fever, chills all over. I thought I had the Covid so I’m going to the hospital. They tell me I have an infection, but they don’t know where“, she first explained.

Anaïs Camizuli therefore remained hospitalized for a few days, on antibiotics. And it started again in early December. So she has told the caregivers that she had given the injections as a precaution. So they took a little of the product in question and send it to the laboratory for see if there were no bacteria. Nothing ! So she was once again on antibiotics and was able to go home. “Corn we don’t really know where the problem comes from. The problem is that I have the Covid so everything is on stand-by“, she continued.

She therefore asked her detractors to stop speculating. She just wants to heal and find her daughter. “I have been thinking for a while, it gnaws at me. The person who sent my medical file to Aqababe, what went through your mind ? Are you also rotten inside, so jealous? I don’t understand why you did this“, she was indignant. Anaïs Camizuli assures that she knows how to find her and that once her identity is revealed, she will file a complaint.

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