Anaïs Camizuli harassed by an unbalanced fan: twist in the case

September 26, 2022 was an important day for Anaïs Camizuli. Yesterday was held the trial of the unbalanced fan who has been ruining his life for several years in the Marseilles court. She was tried for acts of “harassment” and “malicious calls“. And the verdict is in.

They are our colleagues from Provence who disclosed the information. The accused is named Marina and is 38 years old. The childcare worker harassed the winner of Secret Story 7 (2013) and even threatened her daughter Kessi (3 years old, fruit of her former union with Sultan). “At 3 am, I noticed the presence of a rather strange woman, who was waiting for me in the rain. At first, I took a liking to her.. She gave presents, to me, to my sister… But then it degenerated, I saw her everywhere I went and even in front of my house“, first of all confided Anaïs Camizuli who was present on the bench of the civil parties during the trial. In addition, the young woman explained that she had tried to get hired in her daughter’s crèche. am a public figure, but my daughter didn’t ask for it. My daughter’s father forbids me to go on vacation alone with her, for fear of running into Marina… I can’t live normally. It has to stop!” she said indignantly.

Marina had not simply targeted Anaïs Camizuli. Comedian Inès Reg was also harassed. In February 2020, she had therefore filed a complaint. And she had been prescribed 30 days of ITT because her doctor had judged that she was in a state of “acute stress“, that she had “intrusive thoughts” and “sleep disturbances with insomnia.

Although the psychologist who worked on this case did not reveal “no pathology” at Marina, the prosecutor felt that she had “a personality whose dangerousness questions and who has multiplied the passages to the act“. The Marseilles court thus sentenced her to two years in prison, including one year. She will be able to serve her sentence at home and will be provided with an electronic bracelet. And obviously a formal ban on contacting Anaïs Camizuli and Inès Reg.

The former resident of the House of Secrets was looking forward to this moment. The trial had to be postponed several times. “The trial has been postponed until June and was to take place last Friday. But she didn’t show up, unsurprisingly. I think she’s a little scared, if you have nothing to reproach yourself for, you show up. The last time, in January or February, it was a problem with her teeth and this time she presented a positive Covid test. Trial postponed without much surprise“, revealed in particular Anaïs Camizuli in June 2021.

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