Ana Girardot “scalded” by her breakup with the son of a politician, the impact on her love life

At 34, she reveals herself like never before… At the cinema this Wednesday, November 16 in The House, Ana Girardot undoubtedly holds with this role of prostitute one of the best performances of her career. Not surprising from an actress who has shown the full extent of her talent in recent years, but confusing for a young woman who has been so discreet about her private life and her loves since her last separation.

Subject of the famous daily portrait Release Tuesday, November 15, the interpreter of Anne in The flame and The torch admit it, moreover: this film has profoundly transformed her. If its director Anissa Bonnefont already found that she was “no longer the same person“After the Movie, Herself”didn’t know this aplomb“, she who wanted to participate in this rather sexy feature film”for the audacity it required“.

Besides, his main challenge was to really expose himself. “Every sex scene was a leap into the voidshe explains in her portrait. I no longer looked at the script. I had to be able to take a man’s hand to guide him and help him do the right things, like reassuring the actors who had to lay themselves bare too.“.

A very bad separation

A film which promises to be an event and which made the pride of his father, the actor Hippolyte Girardot, even if this one will not go to see it. “It would be like entering his room without knocking, it’s not done, it’s too intimate“, he explains in Release. But if there is one who does not speak much, it is her husband, Oscar Louveau, about whom she remains very discreet even if she has “asked for his opinion“.

It must be said that her previous love story had been particularly publicized: for several years, from 2015 to 2019, the young woman was in a relationship with Arthur, the son of former Prime Minister Dominique de Villepin. “Scalded by the media coverage of her breakup with her ex-boyfriend at the time, the Gris Dior perfume ambassador likes to remain discreet about her private life“, explains the newspaper.

The young woman could not help but confide in her meeting with her husband: “I saw him smoking a cigarette, I immediately changed my vows to be in the same high school as him“, she admits, before recounting that both were married in New York two years after the bac, divorced and remarried in 2020. And with their little Jazz born at the end of 2020, they seem happier than never !

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