an unpublished letter from the former Minister of Health on the management of the pandemic is controversial!

Minister of Health during the Covid-19 pandemic, Olivier Veran finally left the Ministry of Health last May. Despite everything, he is still paying the price for his management of the crisis. On August 2, Point even revealed an unpublished letter by Olivier Véran on the very controversial choice of rationing masks at the start of the crisis… It is actually a letter written by Jérôme Salomon, Director General of Health, to Olivier Véran. “Prioritizing is not an easy decision, but it is the decision that respects our values ​​the most. Refusing to decide would not be ethical”he wrote to her.

We then understand that the lack of masks was very important at the start of the crisis, despite the declarations of the former minister. “If protection against highly pathogenic infectious diseases with respiratory transmission is indeed a matter of general hygiene measures, the limitation of stocks of masks today requires setting priorities. It is now essential to make very strict priority choices on the sectors of activity benefiting from masks.”, continues Jérôme Salomon, wishing at the time to prioritize the distribution of masks for the nursing staff, at the front.“In the general population, wearing a mask will not be possible. This will have no impact on the health of our fellow citizens”can we also read.

Lately, Olivier Véran chained them. On July 24, on the LCI platform, he made the NUPES activists jump by using expressions used for the first time by Jean-Marie Lepen. The government spokesman openly attacked the “left watermelon” in the National Assembly. “That is to say green outside and red inside. It is above all post-Trotskyism LFI with a little bit of green varnish around it”he specified, emphasizing the fact that there would be “lots of specimens” of this political nuance at the Palais Bourbon…

Laura Bertrand

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