an unprecedented summit to save the poles and glaciers


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1 minute

Global warming: an unprecedented summit to save the poles and glaciers

Global warming: an unprecedented summit to save the poles and glaciers – (Franceinfo)

This Wednesday, November 8, the first summit dedicated to the melting of the ice, the “One Polar Summit,” opened in Paris. The 19/20 info presents the main issues of this meeting.

In Antarctica, the temperature has increased by 3°C in 50 years. Faced with this increase, the melting of the ice continues at great speed, with a first dramatic consequence: the rise in sea level. It could thus reach between 30 cm and 1 meter by the end of the century. “There is an immense urgency, because we are not talking about a few islands which will be submerged, we are talking about 2 billion people, out of a total of around 7 to 8 in 2100, who will find themselves, for a billion between them, underwater. And then in other regions of the world, they will be deprived of water”alerts Olivier Poivre D’Arvor, ambassador of the French poles.

Funds for scientific research

In the Alps, for example, 94% of glaciers could disappear by 2100. A disappearance accelerated by human activity. In Switzerland, a few days before the Ski World Cup, large quantities of snow are being moved to prepare the slopes. The “One Polar Summit”, which began on Wednesday November 8 in Paris, aims in particular to release funds for scientific research.

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