An unprecedented demonstration against France in South Africa

The mobilization was organized by the radical left close to Russia

Article written by

France Televisions

Writing Africa


Reading time : 1 min.

On the occasion of Africa Day, several hundred South African radical left activists gathered on May 25, 2022, in front of the French Embassy in Pretoria to condemn French interference in the African continent. . This is the first event of its kind in this country.

The demonstration was organized by Julius Malema, the leader of the radical left who provided his activists and sympathizers with buses to take them to the area of ​​the French Embassy in Pretoria.

Hundreds of people were carrying red placards in party colors with anti-French slogans. “France is responsible for genocide in Africa” ​​”West Africa is not a French colony” “Wealth of France on the backs of Africans” or even “France outside”. Placed under the sign of the fight against Western imperialism, the march had France as its main target.

“French colonialism on the African continent continues to be the most brutal, cruel and diabolical form of colonialism on the African continent.

Julius Malema, South African leader of the radical left

This threatening-looking demonstration was greeted with diplomacy by the French ambassador in Pretoria. Aurélien Lechevallier spoke briefly to the crowd, promising to send the memorandum submitted by Julius Malema to Paris. He stressed that despite disagreements, France remained “partner” and “friend” of African nations.

This is the first time that such an action has been carried out in South Africa. Demonstrations hostile to France and its military presence in the Sahel have multiplied in recent months in Mali, the Central African Republic and Chad. They are often orchestrated by officials close to Moscow. This is the case of Julius Malema who declares himself to be part of the anti-imperialist movement opposed to Europe and the United States. The leader of the radical left recently gave strong support to Russia after the invasion in Ukraine.

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