An unforgettable moment with Enrico Macias on April 22 at the loft Algrange for a dinner show.

Enrico Macias, legend of French song will perform on April 22 to Loft in Algrange unique place in the whole region, the magic of the place with music and which will be accompanied by a succulent cuisine.

Live an exceptional evening, around a dinner show, in the presence of his musicians. This event will be an opportunity to relive the great moments of his career, from the release of his hit Children of all countries in 1963 (success is immediate) became the symbol of the Pieds-noirs community in France, until the release of his last album in 2019 “Enrico Macias & Al Orchestra”.

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France blue Lorraine offers you the last places! stay tuned because the show is sold out…

After 60 years of timeless career, at more than 80 years oldafter selling more than 50 million records and filled with theaters, he still sings with the same sparkle in his eyes.

The show not to be missed! April 23 at the Loft Algrange ©Getty

Enrico could have stayed in traditional oriental music, but he knew how to make popular songs, he is both the heir to a rich tradition Arab-Andalusian music in which he grew up and a pioneer who knew how to invent his own style.

In 1980 : He is recognized internationally, he receives the title of singer of peace of Kurt Waldheim.

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Useful information :

Place : The Algrange Loft zac de la paix Algrange / 03 82 34 00 00.

Rate : 89 euros (excluding drinks)

Start of the show 10:00 p.m. until 11:30 p.m.

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