Despite an order from the prefect of Haute-Savoie prohibiting any gathering, an ultra-right demonstration took place near the playground attacked Thursday in Annecy.
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About fifty ultra-right activists gathered in Annecy near the playground where the knife attack took place, reports France Bleu, Thursday, June 8.
>> “Unspeakable”, “absolute horror”, “barbarism”: the political class in shock after the knife attack in Annecy
They were responding to a call made by several ultra-right groups on social networks, using the hashtag #francocide, according to the term coined by Éric Zemmour. Earlier in the day, the prefect of Haute-Savoie had however published a decree prohibiting any gathering “in order to prevent any risk of disturbing public order”.
The demonstrators marched along this Pâquier playground, singing the Marseillaise and chanting “blue, white, red, France to the French”, according to a video posted by France Bleu Pays de Savoie on Twitter. They also denounced the supposed laxity of the French migration policy, and verbally attacked the journalists present.
The suspect of the attack is a Syrian national who obtained refugee status in Sweden and could, as such, move freely in the Schengen area. Six people including four children were injured in the attack. Among these children, one is English, a second is of Dutch nationality.