an outpouring of solidarity in France


France 2

Article written by

A.Jolly, A.Richier, A.Etienne, J.Poissonnier, R.Massini, R.Chapelard, JP.Rivalain, K.Annette – France 2

France Televisions

In France, a great surge of solidarity is taking hold of certain cities, which are organizing themselves with a view to accommodating families fleeing the war in Ukraine.

She fled Ukraine from the first bombings and crossed Europe by car for more than 2,000 km, with her three nephews. Today Olga Dubovitch is safe in Alsace, hosted by a couple of French friends. His sister, the mother of three children, is remained in Ukraine, a few kilometers from Kiev (Ukraine)a city under the bombs. As soon as she can, Olga Dubovitch watches the Ukrainian news, wondering when she will be able to return to her country.

In the coming days, many Ukrainian refugees will arrive in France. In Lyon (Rhone)a couple launched a website on Tuesday, March 1, aimed at people who want to host Ukrainians. In one day, they received 300 proposals. In the city of Cannes (Alpes-Maritimes)residents come to drop off bags of food and other basic necessities.

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