an outgoing RN deputy intends to ban dual nationals from being ministers


Video length: 2 mins

2024 Legislative Elections: An Outgoing RN MP Intends to Ban Dual Nationals from Being Ministers
Legislative 2024: an outgoing RN deputy intends to ban dual nationals from being ministers

In the event of victory in the legislative elections, Jordan Bardella’s party intends to ban sensitive positions from dual national French people. Friday June 28, Marine Le Pen tried to clarify this measure.

Jobs prohibited for dual nationals in the fields of security, defense and nuclear power. The outgoing National Rally deputy, Roger Chudeau, intends to prohibit them from accessing certain ministries. He notably targeted Najat Vallaud-Belkacem, Franco-Moroccan and former Minister of Education under François Hollande. “She destroyed the public college and above all she wanted to introduce Arabic lessons in CP”, he denounced. Information denied by Najat Vallaud-Belkacem. According to her, these remarks reflect the true face of the National Rally, a party “incompetent, rude, lying and racist”.

Emmanuel Macron gave him his support, denouncing uninhibited racism on the part of the National Rally. For her part, Marine Le Pen assures the RN has never mentioned the ban on dual nationals from occupying an elected position. She said to herself “flabbergasted” that Roger Chudeau expresses “a personal opinion totally contrary to the National Rally project”. Expected to be appointed to the Ministry of National Education if the RN won the majority in Parliament, Roger Chudeau confirmed Marine Le Pen’s comments.

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