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Another department that could return to 90 km / h on the roads. The Yonne is organizing a major consultation in December on the issue: for or against the return to 90 km / h. In the event of “yes”, it is nearly 500 panels that will have to be changed.
In the Yonne, the 80 km / h signs could soon disappear. The return to 90 km / h, the departmental council is thinking about it very seriously. He has even just launched an online consultation to survey motorists. To drive faster, the idea appeals to almost all of them. “90km / h, that would not be bad, because we are dragging ourselves at 80 “, said a motorist. Others recognize fuel economy and avoiding accidents, “beneficial to everyone”.
Fall in mortality
But according to the department which launched the consultation, the reduction to 80 km / h in the Yonne has not been proven, since there are three more deaths on average each year since the change. For an association of motorists, it is not the speed which is in question. “One in three fatal accidents involves blood alcohol levels”, indicates Pierre Chasseray, general delegate of 40 million motorists. At the national level, studies clearly show that the change to 80km / ha reduces mortality. End of the online consultation on December 31st. Nearly 40 departments have already made the choice to return to 90 km / h.